Nutritional Information: Each serving of 1 tab contains:

  • Calcium                                                             200 mg
  • Magnesium                                                       150 mg
  • L-Arginine                                                        100 mg
  • Vitamin-C                                                          80 mg
  • L-Taurine                                                           50 mg
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3)                                        20 mg
  • Iron                                                                     17 mg
  • Zinc                                                                     15 mg
  • Vitamin-E                                                          12 mg
  • Vitamin B6                                                        10 mg
  • Pantothenic Acid                                               6 mg
  • Thiamin (Vitamin B1)                                      5 mg
  • Beta Carotene (Vitamin A)                             2 mg
  • Ribiflavin (Vitamin B2)                                  2 mg
  • Copper                                                                1 mg
  • Folic Acid                                                       400 μg
  • Biotin                                                              150 μg
  • Lodine                                                             140 μg
  • Vitamin K                                                         70 μg
  • Selenium                                                          50 μg
  • Vitamin D3                                                      10 μg
  • Vitamin B12                                                      6 μg
  • Safed Musli                                                   100 mg
  • Ginseng                                                              5 mg
  • Shatavari                                                           5 mg


LONGERIA TABLET is an unique combination for Men Infertility. Its Content “Calcium” ions have an apparently paradoxical effect on sperm motility. In the epididymis, calcium ions stimulate immature sperm, whereas, in ejaculated semen,calcium ions inhibit sperm motility. … Finally, calcium ions trigger the acrosome reaction and facilitate sperm penetration into the ovum. Its Content “Folic Acid and Zinc” may get a boost from nutritional supplements that increase sperm count. A new study found a combination of folic acid and zinc supplements increased sperm count by 74% in men with fertility problems. its contents “L-Arginine” supplements For men with low sperm countsL Arginine can be a real help, with one study showing a 250%-plus increase in sperm amounts and motility in most study participants. L Arginine may benefit men by: Increasing sperm health, count and motility* Support erectile function*  Some evidence indicates that taking antioxidant supplements, such as vitamin C, may improve fertility. Its content Selenium supplements have been shown to increase sperm motility, ad a combination of selenium and vitamin E has been shown to decrease damage from free radicals and improve sperm motility in infertile men. Its Contents Ginseng is a reputed as an aphrodisiac, and is used to treat sexual dysfunction as well as to enhance sexual behavior in traditional Chinese medical practices. … In addition, ginseng is found to improve the sperm quality and count of healthy individuals as well as patients with treatment-related infertility. Its content “Safed Mosli” is known to be an amazing aphrodisiac agent which helps enhance male potency and reduces signs of fatigue. It is particularly prescribed to males who have low sperm count and low libido. Its Content “Shatavari” has always been used as an ingredient in the male infertility treatment in Ayurveda. Its use as an aphrodisiac is popular as it enhances the production of sperm naturally. Overall this combination in best for men infertility.

Ref: Internet.